A Personalized and Science-Based Way to Navigate Through Hair Care
Learn About Hair Science in Our Courses and Analyze Your Hair to Know What Products You Should Use
Do You Work in Hair Care?
YES, THIS IS ME- Have you struggled to answer questions your clients or customers have asked you?
- Are you looking to deepen your understanding of hair?
- Are you interested in understanding product ingredients for better recommendations?
- Do you need a refresh on hair science because it's been a while since you've learned it in school?
Do You Stuggle Finding the Right Products for Your Hair?
YES, THIS IS ME- Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the multitude of hair products you can choose from in stores?
- Do you select products just by the you the way it smells or label colors?
- Have you searched online or sought recommendations from friends and family, but still feel uncertain about which products are right for you?

Meet Our Founder Sareena Karim
Hi! My name is Sareena and I'm an engineer and Trichologist in training who breaks down the science of hair care so you can learn more about your hair and the products you use.
I started my hair care journey when I was six years old I went to a boarding school where my caretaker did not know how to take care of curly hair. Instead of trying to learn from a textured hair stylist or looking online for any resources, they decided to grab me by my hair and pull me into a salon to ask a stylists to cut off six inches of my hair. I was lucky enough that there was a textured hair stylist in the salon who didn’t cut my hair, but instead showed me hair products and methods to take care of it. This experience is why I started Foli-Q so I can help build hair regimens and educate people about their hair.
My passion for hair care is always growing and I look for every opportunity I can use to grow, learn, and connect with you.